Monday, September 22, 2008

Akta Hubungan Kaum Malaysia elak sejarah hitam berulang

Persoalan sama ada perlu atau tidak Akta Hubungan Kaum diwujudkan di negara kita adalah sangat subjektif dan memerlukan kajian lanjut yang komprehensif serta tidak mempunyai agenda politik tertentu. Ini adalah kerana penggubalan akta ini bukanlah satu ancaman atau ugutan perkauaman di negara kita tetapi hanya akan digunakan sekiranya terdapat pelanggaran dalam hubungan antara kaumyang boleh menjejaskan perpaduan rakyat.
Pada dasarnya akta berkenaan penting bagi memastikan negara sentiasa berada dalam keadaan aman tenteram dan rakyat pelbagai kaum dapat hidup dengan harmoni dan tolaransi.
Di samping itu, akata ini boleh bertindak sebagai mekanisme merapatkan perpaduan dan kesepakatan antara etnik di negara kita.
Kewujudan akta ini juga adalah salah satu bentuk usaha penguatkuasaan kerajaan bagi memastikan keselamatan dan kesejahteraan negara terkawal dan dipelihara sebaik mungkin.
Akta ini kelak diharapkan dapat menjadi landasan pembentukan sebuah masyarakat berbilang kaum yang bersatu hati dengan mengambilkira keadilan dan kesamarataan serta mengelak berlakunya konflik dan perselisehan kaum.
Memalui akta ini juga diharapkan hasrat kerajaan merealisasikan sebuah masyarakat Malaysia ang teguh persefahaman, penuh semangat perpaduan, bersaing secara sihat ke arah melahirkan suasana integrasi kaum yang bersatupadu dan realistik di negara kita dapat dicapai.
Dalam soal perpaduan kaum ini, ramai tokoh pemimpin dan pemikir negara menyambut pemimpin dan pemikir negara menyambut baik cadangan penggubalan akta berkenaan.

Race Relations Models in United Kingdom

The Race Relation Act 1976 was established by the British Parliment tp prevent discrimination on the grounds of race and was later amended by the Race Relations Amendment Act 2000 by including a statutory duty on public bodies to promote race equality, and to demonstrate that procedures to prevent race discrimination are effective.
Items that are covered include discrimination on the grounds of race, colour,nationality, ethnic and national origin in the fields of employment, the provision of goods and services, education and public functions. The amendments covered:
  1. Discrinination by police and other public authorities;
  2. Specified authorities: general statutory duty;
  3. Certain appointment functions oputside the employment field;
  4. Police: extension of liability of chief officers,etc;
  5. Criminal investigations and proceedings; and
  6. immigration and asylum appeals.

The Act also established the Commission for racial Equality with a view to review the legislation. In 2003, additional regulation made certain forms of discrimination due to religious beliefs illegal.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Change on Sept.16 "Won't Happen"

Terengganu Pas commissioner Datuk Mustafa Ali said the Sept. 16 date set by Pakatan Rakyat leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for a change in the Federal Government would not occur because of technical and political reasons.
Mustafa said he was speaking as a political observer and was not representing the party.
He said the change could not be effected without a vote of no-confidence on the prime minister or without his resignation.
"Parliment adjourns during Ramadan, there is no one who can cast a vote of no-confidence. Not wvwn having the right numbers of parliment crossing over can have an effect.
"Sept.16 won't see a change in government as I don't see a vote of no-confidence happening now. It. can happen at another sitting."
"Tere is a theory that with the approriate number of signatures presented to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the government could be changed, but the prime minister was appointed by the king and as such, he cannot appoint a new prime minister while he is still. Once appointted, he cannot be fired" he said at a press conference.
Anwar has often stated that he needed about 30 Barisan Nasional MPs to jump ship to form a new government.
Mustafa said fro his experience, a defection by MPs to the opposition had never happened.
Usually, it was the opposition members who crossed over to the government side, hust as it occured in 1994. On why he decided to speak out, Mustafa said he was asked by many people about the change in goverment.

Dr Mahathir 's Return to UMNO

Kedah UMNO will not stand in the way of Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad if he wishes to rejoin Umno and will welcome the man who led the party for 22 yaers.
"We hope this move by Dr Mahathir will help strengthen Umno," its liason chief , datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid, told Bernama.
UMNO vice-president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said yesterday the former prime minister, who had announced in May that he was quitting the aprty, had agreed to rejoin UMNO when they met on Saturday. Kubang Pasu UMNO chief Datuk Mohd Johari Baharom, who is deputy minister in the Prime Minister's Department, also said he did not have any problem accepting Dr. mahathir back.
"However,it is up to the supreme council to accept or turn down Dr. mahathir's application"
In Ipoh, supreme council member datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said Dr. mahathir should be accepted back into the fold as this would strengthen the party.As a former party president, we have to value hima and his credibility. All grassroot members should receive him back into the party as his advice and guidance are needed."
Negeri Sembelan Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan also welcomed Dr. Mahathir's return, aying h even willing to offer his UMNO Rantau branch chief's post to the latter if he was interested . I am confident that his presence in the party would help to further strengthen and unite UMNO." Hasan said after chairing the state executive council meeting at Wisma Negeri.

Jui Meng declares he's going for MCA presidency

Former MCA vice-president Datuk Chua Jui Meng has decided to contes the post of president in the party elections next month.
He will face vice-president datuk Ong Tee Keat, who had announced his intention in July to vie for the top post, following incumbent Datuk Seri Ong Ka Ting's decision not to seek re-election.
"Ive deliberated on this matter for a long time and have been getting feed-back from the grassroots. I strongly feel that the only post that I should go for is the president's post in order to bring about total change and transformatio to the party,"he said at a press conference.
Chua, who took on ka Ting three years ago and lost, said he would be campaigning on a transformation platform, as there was an urgent need to rebuild and restore the party as well as to return it to relevance.
"I contest not out to disrespect to Tee Keat,who is still a good friend and whom I hold in good regard but because the risk is too great for MCA if it did not transform itselve in the next three years."
The former health minister said he was offering himselve as a presidential candidate with experience, passion and who would also bring chjange required to transform MCA.
The Bakri division chief vowed that if elected president, he would swear in front of every member and the media that he will not be corrupt.
"The rest of the party leaders will have to follow suit. Corruption is the worst crime in the eyes of the Chinese and with this, the community will realise our seriousness in tackling graft. Once this is done, we can encourage othe parties to follow suit."
He also said he was not to teaming up with any leaders."My team is the MCA delegates and their votes will determine the party leadership. However, I will welcome the support of anyone."

Amaran Polis terhadap penyebar isu perkauman

Timbalan Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Ismail Omar hari ini memberi amaran akan mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap mereka yang cuba menggugat keselamatan dan ketenteraman negara menerusi penyebaran isu berunsur perkauman.
Beliau berkata, tindakan sama turut akan diambil ke atas individu yang cuba mengesploitasi kenyataan berkenaan dalam bentuk blog, khidmata pesanan ringkas(SMS atau khidmat pesanan multimedia(MMS)
Beliau bagi amaran yang keras kepada semua pihak tidak kira siapa mereka itu supaya berhenti membua apa-apa kenyataan berbaur perkauman sama ada dalam media cetak atau media elektronik kerana perbuatan tersebut melanggar undang-undang.
Ismail juga menyarankan orang ramai supaya tidak mengambil sebarang tindakan berdasarklan emosi dan perasaan kerana ia akan menimbulkan suasana kurang selasa di kalangan penduduk pelbagai kaum.
Berhubung kenyataan Ketua UMNO Nahagian Bukit Bendera, Datuk Ahmad Ismail, beliau berkata, polis masih menjalankan siasatanberhubungan kenyataan itu. Beliau jawab pihak polis akan menyiapkan siasatan itu secepat mungkin untuk tindakan selanjutnya.
Beliau meminta orang ramai supaya tidak mudah terpedaya dengan penyebaran kenyataan berbaur perkauman sebaliknya mendapat gambaran yang sebenar-benarnya dengan daripada pihak polis.
Orangramai ramai boleh menghubung Ketua Polis Negara Negeru atau ketua Polig daerah untuk mengetahui keadaan semasa pada bila-bila masa.
Serentak dengan perkembangan semasa juga, beliau telah mengeluarkan arahan kepada Ketua Polis Negeri dan Ketua Polis Daerah supaya meningkatkan pemantauan di tempat-tempat awam.
Beliau menggesa orang ramai supaya menyemai rasa tanggungjawab sebagai rakyat Malaysia dadalam sanubari mereka dan sentiasa mematuhi undangan-undang bagi mengelak sebarang gambaran perkara ti diingini berlaku.
Katanya Malaysia adalah sebuah negara yang berdaulat serta mempunyai undang-undang. Setiap rakyat perlu menghormatinya kerana hanya dengan itu kita dapat menjamin kestabilan

Monday, September 8, 2008

Penulis blog Singapura didakwa Hina Hakim

Seorang penulis blog, Gopalan Nair yang didakwa menghina seorang hakim, mengaku tidak bersalah di mahkamah, pada 8 September.
Nair dihadapkan ke mahkamah kerana menuduh seorang hakim 'melacurkan diri' apabila bersekongkol dengan Perdana Menteri, Lee Hsien Loong dan bapanya bekas Perdana Menteri, Lee Kuan Yew dalam kes saman fitnah ke atas seorang pemimpin pembangkang.Nair yang mengaku tidak bersalah mewakili dirinya sendiri ketika dipanggil hakim untuk membela diri.
Hakim Belinda Ang juga pernah mengadili kes terhadap Presiden Parti Demokratik, Chee Soon Juan.
Nair, bekas peguam dan mendapat kerakyatan Amerika Syarikat, dituduh secara menulis di dalam blognya bahawa Ang bertindak tidak lebih sebagai pekerja kepada Lee Kuan Yew dengan melaksanakan setiapa arahannya.
Perbicaraan kes ini akan berlangsung selama 10 hari dan Nair juga akan berhadapan dengan beberapa kes lain di mahkamah.

Gerakan Putuskan Hubungan dengan UMNO P.Pinang

Gerakan P.Pinang membuat keputusan memutuskan hubungan dengan UMNO Pulau Pinang berkuatkuasa serta- merta berikutan tindakan Ketua OMNO bahagian Bukit Bendera, datuk Ahmad ismail mengeluarkan kenyataan yang didakwa berbau perkauman.
UMNO Pulau Pinang dipengerusikan oleh Perdana Menteri , datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Pemangku Presiden gerakan, tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon berkata, keputusan itu dipersetujui dalam satu mesyuarat tergempar yang dihadiri oleh semua ahli jawatankuasa perhubungan negeri. beliau berkata, ahli Ggerakan berasa amat terkeju dan marah serta mengutuk tindakan dan tingkah laku Ahmad yang disifatkan tidak bertanggungjawab itu.
Beliau memberitahu pemberita selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat tergempar jawatankuasa perhubungan Gerakan Pulau Pinang pada malan 8 Sept. Tsu Koon turut menyelar tindakan Ahmad yang menyifatkan masyarakat Cina di Malaysia sebagai sama dengan kaum Yahudi di Amerika Syarikat yang menguasai ekonomi dan selanjutnya ingin menguasai politik, sebagai tidak bertanggungjawab.
Sementara itu, Pengerusi MCA Pulau Pinang, Datuk Liow Tiong Lai turut menegaskan bahawa MCA Pulau Pinang memutuskan hubungan dengan Ahmad dan tidak akan meyertai mana-mana aktiviti anjuran UMNO Bahagian Bukit Bendera sehingga isu tersebut duselesaikan. katanya, MCA juga akan berbuat perkara sama kepada mana-mana UMNO bahagian lain di negeri Pulau Pinang yang turut sekongkol dengan Ahmad Ismail. katanya MCA berasa marah,tersinggung, kesal dan hampa dengan tingkah laku angkuh beliau yang enggan menarik balik kenyataan dan mminta maaf terhadap kata-katanya yang telahmenyakitkan hati adan perasaan orang Cina di negara ini.

Information Technology Officer claims trial to changing land title details

A 54 year-old Information Technology Officer with Natural Resources and Enviroment Ministry was charged at the Sessions Court in Ipoh yesterday with making unauthrised changes in a land registration database.
Mohd.Radzi Mohd ramli, who was the department's technical officer, allegedly made the changes in the database of the Perak Land and Mines Department last year, changing the ownership of four plots of land and releaseing two of them from their mortgages.
He allegedly committed the offences at the computer training room of the Perak land and Mines Department's IT division in Ipoh.
Judge Rasidah Chik set bail at RM12,000 in one surety for all four counts, pending mention on Oct. 9

Make sure budget plans reach the people

Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi yesterday reminded civil servants to carry out all plans outlined in Budget 2009 with zest and commitment.
The prime minister said plans must be carried out without delay or excuse. We are not short of ideas or good plans but we are short in implementation. We have proven in the Auditor-General's Report 2007 that we can do it.
Recently the Auditor-General said the financial management of majority of government agencies at federal and stste levels was good.
Abdullah expressed confidence that with the civil service's combined resources, all budget plans would be implemented for the sake of the people and country.Abdullah said Budget 2009 was aimed at helping the people and not at boosting the government's popularity. The budget was geared towards the lower-income group and had somthing for everyone at a time when the nation is dealing with high inflation. Reminding civil servants of their duties, ABDULLAH SAID AS CONSUMRS THEMSELVES, THEY SHOULD OFFER THE BEST SERVICE FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PEOPLE. Attention must also be paid to the administrative system and work procedures to minimise bureaucracy..

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Malaysians are all equal

All malaysians should be treated as equal citizens of the country and not be caregorised as A,B or C-level citizens, MCA secretary-general Datuk Seri Ong Ka Chuan said yesterday.
"After 51 years of independence,we are all citizens of malaysia and there is no class A,B or C. There should be no classification of citizenship as all races are equal and all people enjoy the benefits,. We have to work together and weed out the mischief caused by racially biased viewpoints that will destrok racial harmony in the country."
He said there should not be any questions raised about racial backgrounds and loyalty to Malaysia as all races including Malays, Chinese and Indians had sacrificed their blood to free the country from Japanese occupation in the 1940s.
About 300,000 Chinese died defending the country during the Japanese Cccupation when the British witrhdrew their troops and left the country defenceless. The British had acknowledged this hact and granted the Chinese community citizenship," he said in Ipoh.
he said this in reference to Umno Bukit Bendera division chief datuk Ahmad Ismail's alleged alleged statement that Chinese ar e only squatters and immigrants and it is impossible for them to achieve equal rights among the races.
The Alliance party 'house' was originally formed by Malays, Chinese and Indians which later la\ed to the formation of the BArisan National.
Datuk Seri Ong callrd on BN leaders to oromate BN leaders to promote the concept and spirit of muhibah among the various races. among the various races.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

UMNO members provide evidence to ACA

Two Umno members have submitted to the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) photographic evidence that they say supports their report against party president Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi for alleged abuse of power.
Formar Selangor youth leader Mazlan Harun dan Muar branch leader Datuk Kadar Shah handed over between 20 and 30 copies of photographs to the ACA office in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.
Kadar Shah, the son of the late Umno permanent chairman Tun Sulaiman Ninam Shah, said the pictures showed Abdulah allegedly holding closed-door meetings with Umno members and leaders.
According to the duo, they have other evidence,which they have not given... if this second report is not takened seriously, they will lodge another report or may be take legal action.
Asked what was shown in the pictures,he said:" Of Course he was campaigning... what else?
Kadar Shah claimed that Abdullah had met several statr Umno leaders several times between May 3 and June 29

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Police summon Ahmad Ismail over alleged seditious remarks

Umno Bukit Bendera division head Datuk Ahmad ismail has been summoned by the police to give his statement following a string of reports lodged against him for allegedly uttering seditious remarks in public.
Penang State deputy police chief SAC(1) Datuk Salleh Mat Rashid confirmed yesterday police have traced Ahmas, who had kept a low profile since he was reported by vernacula newspapers to have made an anti-Chinese statement at a ceramah during Permatang Pauh by-election campaign on Aug. 25.
Ahmad had allegedly said the Chinese are pendatang(immigrants) in Malaysia and therefore, could not enjoy equality with others.
DAP.MCA and Gerakan have since lodged police reports against Ahmad, and also asked him to apologise.
Deputy Prime Minister and UMNO Deputy president Datuk Sri Najib Abdul Razak had apologised
on Tuesday for the remark,calling it"unwarranted" and not reflective of UMNO's stand,
Salleh told reporters Ahmad was being investigated under section under section 4(1)(B) of Sedition Act 1948. for uttering seditious words and they hope to wrap up the probe by this week.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Problematic department to be queried after Raya

Several government departments, agencies and federal statutory bodies will be called up by the auditor-general's office after Hari raya to answer "discrepancies" mentioned in the 2007 Auditor-General's Report.
Parliment's Public Accounts Committee(PAC) chairman Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid told reporters yesterday an audit on 123 agencies,departments and bodies found 5% of them to be problematic.They will call the problematic ones to give their sides of the story to ascertain what went wrong and this will be done immediately after Hari Raya. PAC wants to prevent a recurrencce because the pevious trend of discrepancies highlighted in the report has always been the same. Azmi said the PAC strongly recommended to the government to appoint more internal auditors in ministries, departments,agencies and statutory bodies. They want to see more internal auditors, as front-liners, doing their work on a daily basis and they must be empowered to do more things.He added proper checks will prevent losses.
Azmi said that overall, the report was satisfactory as 117 of the 123 audited in 2007 were given a "clean bill of health".
He said those to be called for questioning include the Home; Natural Resources and Enviroment; Health; Education; and Defence Ministries and Kuala Lumpur City hall. Among projects and companies involved in the "discrepancies" highlighted in the report are Teluk Sepanggar naval base project in Sabah, CTRM(Composite Technology Research Malaysia Sdn. Bhd), which is 90% owned by the Ministry of Finance Inc. and the SMART Tunnel project in Sungai Besi.
Azmi also said that while the number of problematic agencies, department and bodies is small, the losses in terms of money could be big

Cuepacs kecewa janji ITP,Cola tak ditepati

Cuepacs yang gembira dengan pemberian bonus dalam bajet 2009 telah kecewa apabila dua permintaan kesatuan itu berhubung kenaikan Imbuhan Tetap Perumahan(ITP) dan penyelarasan elaun kos sara hidup(Cola) kepada kakitangan awam tidak disenaraikan dalam belanjawan kali ini.
Sehubungan itu, Cuepacs yang mewakili hampir 1.2 juta kakitangan sektor awam akan bertemu Perdana Menteri pada bulan depan bagi membincangkan kedua-dua perkara itu.
Presidennya, Omar Osman berkata sebelum ini kerajaan secara dasarnya bersetuju memberi elaun Cola dan turut memaklumkan perkara berkenaan kepada Cuepacs dalam surat maklum balas. Beliau bagaimanapun berkata, Cuepacs tidak berniat mengugut kerajaan dalam perkara itu tetapi percaya sekiranya permintaan berkenaan dilaksanakan ia dapat membantu mereka yang berpendapatan rendah. Pihaknya akan membuat temujanji untuk bertemu Perdana menteri dan menerangkan secara rasional berhubung permintaan Cuepacs itu bagi manfaat anggota sektor awam.
Cuepacs sebelum ini meminta kerajaan menaikkan ITP daripada RM180 sebulan kepada RM230 dan menyelaraskan elaun Cola kepada RM500 sebulan di seluruh negara.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Malaysia Today disekat

Menteri Dakam Negeri datuk Seri Syed hamid Albar berkata, adalah wajar bagi Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia malaysia(SKMM) bertindak dan mengarahkan pembekal perkhidmatan Internet(ISP) di negara ini menyekat laman web Malaysia Today. Kata menteri,sudah terlalu banyak peluang dan amaran diberikan kepada laman web itu yang tidak dipedulikan dan beliau yakin SKMM telah menjalankan kuasanya dengan baik dan mwengikut undang-undang.
Datuk menteri berkata, kerajaan tidak pernah berniat menyekat kebebasan rakyat untuk berdebat dan memberi maklumat. Apabila seseorang menerbitkan kandungan yang dianggap menghina atau memfitnah kuasa SKMM untuk memelihara undang-undang danperaturan dalam negara ini, bagi mereka mengambil tindakan yang dianggap perlu.