Saturday, October 31, 2009

Salvaged speaker's robe part to be auctioned
Humayun Kabir Oct 31, 09 5:21pm
As the adage goes one man’s meat is another man’s poison, and what BN has destroyed, Pakatan will make good use of.The humiliation and suffering that Pakatan speaker V Sivakumar underwent at the hands of the police when they forcefully disrobed him of his official speaker’s garb, may not have been in vain after all, as there is a plan to auction the piece of the robe that he managed to hold on to during the scuffle.

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Liow goes for jugular, calls for CC to quit en masse
Oct 31, 09 6:17pm
MCA deputy president Liow Tiong Lai has called on all central committee members to resign en masse to force a re-election of top party posts.