Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pakatan Leaders concerned over Pas' conditions

Party Keadilan rakyat and DAP leaders are unhappy with pas' stand not to be part of any federal government where a majority of the members of parliment are non-Muslim.
DAP chairman Karpal Singh said the stand would not be for the betterment of Pakatan Rakyat, of which Pas is also a member. He said if Pas imposes such conditions, DAP and PKR will have difficulty keeping their multiracial agenda. According to him, Pakatan Rakyat's agenda is to cater to all races and therefore should always be maintained on a multi racial basis.
karpal said pas should not worry about the number of Muslim MPs on parliment as Pakatan government would continue to abide by the Pederal Conastitution.
Pas president daruk Seri Abdul hadi Awang reportedly told the party's Penang convention they would not be part of a Pakatan federal government if non-Muslim MPs formed the majority.
The statement contrasts with the position with the position adopted by yhe Pakatan Rakayat Consultative Council, which is represented by leaders of the three component parties, according to PKR vice- president Azmin Ali.(Ref: NST 14 Aug.2008)

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