Monday, September 22, 2008

Race Relations Models in United Kingdom

The Race Relation Act 1976 was established by the British Parliment tp prevent discrimination on the grounds of race and was later amended by the Race Relations Amendment Act 2000 by including a statutory duty on public bodies to promote race equality, and to demonstrate that procedures to prevent race discrimination are effective.
Items that are covered include discrimination on the grounds of race, colour,nationality, ethnic and national origin in the fields of employment, the provision of goods and services, education and public functions. The amendments covered:
  1. Discrinination by police and other public authorities;
  2. Specified authorities: general statutory duty;
  3. Certain appointment functions oputside the employment field;
  4. Police: extension of liability of chief officers,etc;
  5. Criminal investigations and proceedings; and
  6. immigration and asylum appeals.

The Act also established the Commission for racial Equality with a view to review the legislation. In 2003, additional regulation made certain forms of discrimination due to religious beliefs illegal.

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